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5 Steps to form a perfect social media marketing rubik's cube

There are 5 ways to solve a rubik's cube as maybe some of you did search youtube or google to find the the 5 ways to solve a rubik's cube, hmm now you should be wondering why rubik's cube is related to marketing, it the same theory

in order to get the colors of all the rubik's cube there is a method to it to bring every color together to solve a rubik's cube, think of your marketing is a rubik's cube which need your social media to your marketing to bring the whole social media to your marketing together, so how to use 5 ways to bring the whole social media together and form a perfect social media marketing rubik's cube.

1. Content is the real thing: You have heard and seem alot of post before that has this word content is the real thing, this is true why content is the real thing? Your content is the cornerstone of your marketing. When you share graphics and engage in witty repartee, the purpose is to gain interest and to entice people to want to learn more. But while a great visual may get you lots of shares, it’s not going to convert customers. When they get to your site, your content has to be as interesting as the post that attracted them. While social media is often compared to fishing, people are not fish. A shiny lure might get their attention, but the hook has to be baited with the real thing or the fish swims away this explain Content is the real thing without content its just a plan social media platform.

2. Targeting your ads and target audience: Targeting can be tricky. You have to really know your target audience, inorder to set the target. One of the most powerful and often overlooked weapons for brick-and-mortar businesses or event campaigns is Facebook’s local ad targeting. When you know who and where your potential customers are, the ROI on Facebook ads can be insane.

3.Create an opt-in landing page: Build your email list with opt-in for your most valuable content. If you’ve targeted correctly and your content is interesting, most people will not mind handing over an email address. An effective landing page is the key to conversion.

4.Integrate your email marketing: If you’re doing social media right, you’re encouraging readers to sign up for your email list, sending out targeted emails and offering valuable content. In addition, your emails should contain links back to your social media, in order to encourage Twitter followers to connect with you on Facebook or Instagram. Campaign Monitor calls integrating email marketing and social media taking a holistic view, the perfect description of an all-in marketing strategy.

5. Be consistent: Being consistent isn’t always as easy as it sounds. Your potential audience might be people with a wide demographic range. Or worse, your brand might be a little too salty for some venues.

If you follow the 5 steps it will lead you to form a perfect social media marketing rubik's cube

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