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How to select what type of content should your business use

Many people associate content with written pieces like blog posts, however content can take many forms like videos, graphics, audio content, events and many more.


In order to decide what content you should use for your business, here are some factors you need to consider when deciding on format.

One important factor when deciding on content format is what appeals to your target audience. There's no point creating video content that your target audience doesn't engage with.

You should also consider which channels you plan to use in order to distribute that content as some formats of content perform better on various platforms.

What is your digital marketing strategy and what is your budget for it? With declining reach on some social media channels, you might have to spend more to promote your content on that channel in order to get the most mileage out of it. Have you done your research on the cost and potential reach? Channels like Facebook do penalise some content based on the amount of text that shows up on an image, so would the returns on investment for that be worth the reach?

Content is and also has been king and producing content can be time consuming and expensive. Have you considered User Generated Content? It certainly carries more weight as it is usually treated as a review of your products but there is a certain lack of control and usually require some incentives in order to push your fans to create such content.

At the end of the day, you might have to run some tests and experiment with different content types in order to get an accurate measure of the best content types and which channels your business should focus its marketing efforts and dollars on.

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